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by (120 points)
Try joining groups on Google Groups, or using forums that relate to your business or website as a part of your link building strategy. If you create a signature, that includes your link, every post you make will be a part of your link building campaign!


So the use of words, and more especially how you use words to describe your site, is what will get the customers. This is where basic search engine optimization comes into its own as you find the best keywords to describe your site.

semantic seo Make a 'link to us' section on your site. This is to make a proposal to your site visitors to link back to your site. Give them all of the information that they'll need to link to your website such as URL and anchor text. Have a portion where they can leave their information for you to link to their website.

Bad backlinks can definitely hurt you. Stay away from any link building strategy that tells you to head to link farms. Link farms are websites that were developed solely to hand out backlnks - and cheat the system in the process. The search engines hate link farms. If you work with them, the Search engine marketing engines will hate you, too!

Not true and Search engine marketing believing this can actually damage your PR. Google decides PR by "votes". When someone links to your page, it's a positive vote. However, Google also takes into account that page's PR; the higher the PR, the more that page's vote counts.

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